Grupo Ti Solução

March 3rd, 2015 - June 15th, 2017
Junior Developer

My first actual job, I started working there at a rather young age part time to gain experience. I started developing small tools, macros and VBA scripts for Excel. It quickly evolved into my first production-level project which turned to be a massive success.

First large project

Payroll loan system

At around 6 months after I started working at this company, we started a new project for a client, a payroll loan system that was aimed to center all the vendors financial data into a single system.

The premise of the project

The goal for this system was to ensure all the client loan records were up-to-date and synced on all stores at the same time, while keeping a central management system for a full-view details of the performance of all sellers.

The initial development took a few meetings to bring some sort of prototype, yet after the first prototype was put up, it quickly showed how it was what the client had been searching for.

The major challenge

The biggest challenge with this project was due to the volume of data. In average, each client had aroud 10 steps that had to be kept track of, and each store had around 25.000 clients. Considering how there was around 40 stores around the country, we had to keep track of around 10 million steps on the system.

What we had to do was a distributed system:

We choose PHP for the Back-End, Node.JS for the real-time updates and Angular for the Front-end.

The first release

And first biggest milestone

The first production release took around 6 months, while the initial training of the users post-release changes took around 3 more month, so realistically the time from initial scratch to production was around 9 months.

3 months after the software was put in production and all users migrated into the platform, our client achieved a major milestone of the software. A new all-time gross sales record was set, a grand total of R$ 1.000.000 ($ 500.000).

Long term support

And discontinuation

The software continued to be maintained and developed all the way to around August 2019, major updates and new functionalities being implemented as requested by the user, the most notably one being a excel importing feature.

This feature involved the platform parsing and importing data coming from the banks in order to be able to update all the state of all the client steps.

Yet, due to a few legal changes on the country, the software was discontinued in 2019.